What are lofts?

Loft spaces have come to us from the United States and the United Kingdom. An interesting fact is that in the U.S. ‘loft’ is defined as the top floor of the building. That is, the one that is located directly under the roof. However, the British call a ‘loft’ a storage room under the roof, which is usually accessed by a ladder.
Lofts gained popularity mainly among artists and craftsmen, who due to financial constraints sought space in old factories and warehouses. Sometimes this happened legally and sometimes not. However, this resulted in a fashion for industrial spaces and more and more people were consciously looking for such spaces to transform into apartments. Loft is characterized by a large open space. Most often there are no internal walls in it, except for the bathroom. Characteristic accents are high ceilings, metal glazed walls, exposed pipes and ceiling beams. And all this accompanied by large windows.
Of course, you don’t have to own an apartment in a factory space to have a loft style decor. Just add glass built-ins, loft partitions, loft doors or glass walls.